Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Testing to upload MP3 & Video

Upload of MP3 where the recording is thru Audacity
I asked my daughter to sing and using Audacity to record it. I save it as MP3 and upload it into "" and embeded into my blog

Upload of video from Youtube
I used my daughter's Yamaha JMC test to upload into Youtube and embeded it into my blog.

Wow!!!! I managed to get it done...... Thanks Alex

Ha!Ha! Ha! I show my kid that I can do magic.........
My kids always asking me what I'm learning about.......Therefore I show them that this what I learned.


Alex Chew said...

Parents can still teach the young a thing or two even when it comes to technology. We only have to believe we can and never too old to learn.

Jo said...

WOW! I'm so impressed. Because of this, you have actually pushed me to try those things out myself. Really good motivator.

Hazel said...

Thanks Seok Binn, Ill try this archive to store the audio clips that I Ling and I made on Audacity :) said...

is you who give me inspiration to move forward, try out new task